Microsoft office 365 suite

The Microsoft office 365 suite has become the industry standard for boosting workplace efficiency. It offers cloud services that enable remote access to and real-time collaboration on a variety of corporate functions. Word, Excel, OneNote, PowerPoint, Outlook, and more are all included in the premium suite of programs.


Key Features of Microsoft 365

Get your work done whenever and wherever you like. With Lease Packet, Microsoft 365 is available 24/7.

Video call or chat and share files between teams

Microsoft Teams is a centralised platform for team communication and collaboration that enables real-time messaging and video conferences. Every member of a team has instant access to a global search of all team members, files, and conversations.

Microsoft 365 Collaboration

The Microsoft 365 Cloud Service provides a dependable online environment. It offers a wide variety of collaborative applications, including Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, and PowerPoint), Delve, and SharePoint. They have access to the most recent changes and can undo previous ones if needed.

OneNote Class Notebook

Microsoft 365 Educational has a feature called Class Notebook that is a subset of OneNote. In this notebook, educators can access a shared resource library for working together and exchanging materials. To view the documents, download the OneNote app.

SharePoint Online

Encourage teamwork, provide easy information retrieval, and streamline cross-departmental collaboration by centrally managing and sharing content, files, and applications.

Microsoft Planner

It’s a helpful tool that provides a visual format for planning group efforts. Teams can make new plans, assign tasks, collaborate on documents, discuss the present state of their work in real-time, and establish deadlines, among other things.

Chat and Share Easily

When it comes to connecting and engaging people inside and outside of an organisation’s directory, Microsoft Kaizala is the simple and secure mobile task management tool you need. Users can send one other instant message with attachments like photos and documents with this software.

Benefits of Microsoft 365

Remote Accessibility

With the tools and apps provided by Microsoft 365, your team will be able to interact productively no matter where they are located—at the office, at home, or on the move.

Seamless Integration

The Office platform allows for the editing and reading of any document, even those that were created offline. The system makes it easy to share and amend documents, and it also helps retain a record of the work that has been completed.

Higher Productivity

The Microsoft office 365 suite was developed specifically for use in day-to-day activities. The suite includes approved tools that make it easier for a team to streamline operations and keep tabs on those same operations. This not only boosts production but also reduces costs.


Many companies trust the robust security platform offered by Microsoft 365 to protect the confidentiality of their sensitive data.


Best Microsoft 365 Plans to Match All Your Business Needs


Business Basic

$ 2 / Month


Business Standard

$ 2 / Month


Business Premium

$ 2 / Month


Best Microsoft 365 Plans to Match All Your Business Needs


Business Basic


Business Standard


Business Premium


Apps for business


About Lease Packet Data Center

Lease Packet maintains data centres all over the world, available at all hours. Every day, we come up with fresh tools to help people become more self-reliant online. Millions of people across the world can take use of our services since we offer a full suite of tools for both beginners and experts alike. Cloud, edge computing, machine learning, data centre, and virtual/augmented reality are just some of the topics we cover, along with advances in power/cooling technology, processor/server architecture, network/storage design, colocation industry/company stock, and the infrastructure required to support today's hyper-scale data centres.


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Server data centers optimally spaced throughout the world


Consistently adding new top tier data center locations to better serve clients

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Where are your data centers located?

We have data server centers located throughout the world. We are also always adding new locations to expand our services that are available to your business.


Request a free consultation with one of our Microsoft 365 experts.
