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How to Import Addresses in cPanel?

We’ll tell you how to import addresses in cPanel in this blog. Keep reading to find out more. 

You may need to import email addresses as a website owner or administrator if you use cPanel. This could be due to a migration from another hosting provider, the addition of new email accounts, or just the need to update your existing address list.

Steps to Import Addresses in cPanel

Here are the steps to follow to import addresses in cPanel:

1. Log in to your cPanel.
2. Click on the Address Importer in the Email Section.

Import Addresses in cPanel

3. Choose your CSV or XLS file then click on the Next button.

Import Addresses  cPanel

4. Now select your domain name & click on the Next button.

Import e-mail accounts

5. Now click on the Finish button.

Import e-mail accounts2

6. Now addressing Performing Import, please be patient. If you have No Error found here Addresses Importing is successful & If you want to Import more Addresses then click on Import more.

 Addresses Import


When you import addresses in cPanel can help you manage your email accounts more efficiently. You can easily and quickly import your email addresses by following the steps outlined in this blog.

Remember to properly prepare your file, select the appropriate file format, and select the appropriate import method. It is also critical to double-check your data and ensure that all of the addresses were correctly imported.

You can effectively manage your email accounts and keep your communications running smoothly if you master the process of importing email addresses. We hope this guide was helpful and that you now feel comfortable importing email addresses into cPanel.


In cPanel, what exactly is the Address Importer?

Using this user interface, you may set up numerous email addresses and forwarders for your account with the use of two distinct file formats. In order to import information, you can use either a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet file (.xls) or a comma-separated values sheet (.csv) file.

How can I add files to cPanel?

Using the cPanel File Manager to Upload a File
Choose “Upload” from the top toolbar. For file upload, a new browser tab or window will open. Drag and drop the file you want to upload, or use the “Choose File” option.